Added a feature to the backend to prevent requeuing of processes with errors - 14304
Update imagery in PDFs to use NAIP Imagery - 15566
Fixed an "insufficient query issue" that happened when uploading an FMIS file - 16019
Added admin county and admin state to the PDF Acreage Report - 16022
Added feature that allows MyAgData or a Company admin to process CART files outside of Season Dates - 16048
Fixed issue where GART+ files did not contain all completed fields in report - 16068
Fixed a memory error that occurred when uploading a controller file - 16073
Added a feature that redirects the user to the Field Details page when entering a report, if their report has CART data loaded - 16079
Fixed issue where the F&S screen was being displayed for CART producers - 16089
Fixed issue where field shapes were not displaying correctly on acreage reports - 16094